Appy.yo and Lighthouse Labs logos

It’s no secret that Appy.yo and Lighthouse Labs share a strong bond. Over the years, Appy.yo has become a welcoming hub for Lighthouse Labs graduates, with more than 20 alumni finding their footing within its UX/UI and cybersecurity departments.

Nadia, the Founder and Lead Project Manager at Appy.yo, is particularly fond of hiring from Lighthouse Labs. She sat down with us to shed light on why these graduates are such a perfect fit for her company and how they mutually benefit from the collaboration.

What draws Lighthouse Labs grads to Appy.yo?

According to Nadia, the appeal lies in the freedom and responsibility that Appy.yo offers. Graduates get to apply their Bootcamp knowledge autonomously while still being part of a supportive team. They’re not thrown into the deep end; instead, they work alongside experienced colleagues, receiving guidance and participating in regular check-ins.

Moreover, the collaborative spirit instilled during Bootcamp continues at Appy.yo. Graduates seamlessly integrate into cross-departmental projects, leveraging their diverse expertise. For instance, a cybersecurity graduate might enhance the UX team’s wireframes by identifying potential security vulnerabilities.

Lighthouse Labs grads: workplace giants

Nadia sings praises of Lighthouse Labs graduates, emphasizing their knack for hitting the ground running. Equipped with precisely the skills Appy.yo needs, these grads bring enthusiasm, creativity, and a penchant for thinking outside the box – all essential qualities in a startup environment. What’s more, they're not just content with the status quo; they actively seek growth opportunities, regularly engaging with Nadia to ensure they’re on the right track.

Now, that’s what you call initiative.

Team players by nature

One of the standout features of Lighthouse Labs grads - their tendency to arrive in cohorts, fostering a sense of camaraderie from day one. This built-in teamwork dynamic translates seamlessly into Appy.yo’s culture, where effective communication and interpersonal skills are paramount. Nadia nurtures these soft skills through cross-functional collaboration, providing coaching and guidance to ensure her team excels both individually and collectively.

Looking to hire top tech talent? Become a Lighthouse Labs Hiring Partner, like Appy.yo, to have access to a pool of cybersecurity, web development, and data professionals.

Endless opportunities await

Thanks to Appy.yo’s mission of supporting small businesses, there’s always room for talented Lighthouse Labs graduates. With a steady stream of projects and a perpetual need for skilled individuals, Nadia is constantly identifying new roles where these graduates can shine. And shine they do, bringing their expertise and ambition to the forefront of Appy.yo’s innovative endeavours.

Looking towards the future

In conclusion, while Appy.yo isn’t actively hiring at the moment, the future is bright for prospective Lighthouse Labs graduates. As Appy navigates through its project planning phase, there’s a strategic focus on identifying upcoming roles and talent needs. For those eyeing Lighthouse Labs’ Cybersecurity or Web Development Bootcamps, now is an opportune moment to embark on that journey. By honing your skills and preparing to excel, you could very well be the next sought-after addition to the Appy team. So, seize the chance to join a company where innovation thrives, and your expertise could make a significant impact.

See the impact of other Hiring Partners

Our network of over 4,000 Hiring Partners across all industries is constantly growing. Learn about a few of them:

Pixeltree Inc.

Pixeltree Inc. is a software consultancy firm in Calgary, Alberta. We interviewed Daniel Huss, Head of Mentorship at Pixeltree, and Carolina Contreras Isas and Tristan Cole, two of our Bootcamp graduates who successfully switched to a tech career and now work as software developers at Pixeltree. They were gracious enough to talk to us about the journey to a new career in tech, both from an employer's and a Bootcamp graduate's perspective. Check out the spotlight.

Autotelic Development Ltd.

Autotelic Development Ltd is a full-stack software and consultancy company. We spoke to Edward Stone, Autotelic's Chief Executive Officer, and Meghan Hein and Alex Hauka, Lighthouse Labs grads turned Full-Stack Developers at Autotelic, about the journey to an optimal career and the systems necessary to ensure that young developers thrive in their new jobs. Check out the spotlight.