blue background with machine learning icon and code symbols

Terre’s journey in tech started before Lighthouse Labs. With a keen interest in tech after discovering Computer Science in his undergraduate education, Terre decided to make the leap with our Data Science Bootcamp. Terre chose Lighthouse Labs for the breadth of topics covered in the curriculum, equipping him with the essential skills he now applies in his role, languages like JavaScript and Python. Looking ahead to the future, Terre aims to continue to grow his knowledge set, constantly leveraging the resources available in today’s tech landscape.

What were you up to before Lighthouse Labs?

I was working in a recreational center for about a year, but I felt like coding was a better fit for me.

What led you to want to take a tech Program, and why did you choose Lighthouse Labs?

In university, I double majored in mathematics and computer science, but I felt like I didn't know enough to get a job. Most of the computer science courses were just theory that I couldn’t apply. Lighthouse Labs was the step I needed to reach my goal of being employable.

Tell us about your experience with the Data Science Bootcamp.

I liked how the Data Science Bootcamp covered many topics. Although you don't go through each topic in-depth, it helps you learn a bit of everything. Also, it's nice to still have access to Compass and the course materials (Lighthouse Labs graduates receive lifetime access to the Bootcamp material). It's something that I appreciate having. I do think including Git in the Program would be very useful. There is a nice interactive tool on Google called Learn Git Branching, which covers more than you need to know.

Woman holding a laptop and smiling.

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How did the Data Science Bootcamp impact your career?

It taught me some things that I currently use in my job. Working with APIs and Postman, for example, was helpful. PostgresSQL and PGAdmin helped me transition easier as I use PostgreSQL and DBeaver in my current role. I've worked with some students trying to create a NLP logistic regression model, and since I took the Data Science Bootcamp, it helped me understand what they were doing and the kinds of libraries they were using.

Talk to us about your new job! Explain a little of what you do now.

I work in front-end, employing languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React. For back-end services, I use Python and Django frameworks. I've created APIs and worked with the UI.

What do you appreciate most about your new career or what are you most hopeful for moving forward?

I do many little things in my new career, which all help me grow as a developer. I have gone from creating and editing videos to working with a machine learning model that helps predict risk scores for API's terms and licenses to creating API's from scratch to improving the user interface.

What’s next? Tell us about you and your future career goals.

I hope to expand my knowledge further. I'm currently working a lot with React, Redux and Django and I am trying to improve on those areas.

What advice would you give someone who wants to transition into a tech career?

Transitioning to a tech career can be difficult but not impossible. With our current technology, it is much easier today than a decade ago. You will always be learning something new. If you ever get stuck, Google and ChatGPT will be your best friends and help you.

Sign up for the Data Science Bootcamp today

Ready to find a career in data science like Terre?

At Lighthouse Labs, we're here to help you gain the skills for your next role. Our Data Science Bootcamp is the quickest way to launch a career in data science. We offer an online 12-week, full-time, or 30-week, part-time Bootcamp option. The Bootcamp includes on-demand mentorship and lifetime Career Services. At the end of the Bootcamp, you'll have the tools and skills to level up your resume and find a career in data science.

Read other recent graduates' stories

Learn about Matt’s transition to cybersecurity while remaining in BFSI.

Discover Oliver’s pathway from healthcare data analytics to machine learning engineering.

This and other success stories were supported by the ICT Boost initiative, funded by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP).