Jaqueline’s web development story

Jaqueline Nacarate had spent a decade living abroad from her familiar world of Brazil, working various jobs before the pandemic led her to really consider what she wanted to do for her career. In researching various paths, she landed on tech for its current opportunities and promise of flexibility and future growth.

Finding the right path

However, the question remained as to which area of tech would be a good fit for her. She took some free online courses in areas like data and UX design and found that web development was her best option.

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On the suggestion of her friend who was studying web development at Lighthouse Labs, Jaqueline followed suit and was accepted into the Web Development Flex Program. The learning curve was steep, from learning coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to understanding complex concepts like responsive design and backend development. However, Jaqueline says the structure helped her to navigate through this process balancing learning materials with hands-on projects, gradually building her skills and growing her confidence.

“Learning something so complex isn't easy. But I was lucky to have amazing support from my partner, who always had my back, encouraging me every step of the way and from the incredible mentors at Lighthouse Labs, always ready to talk, guide and help me through any doubts or feelings of impostor syndrome.”

During her time at Lighthouse Labs, Jaqueline undertook several projects that significantly enhanced her technical skills. One of her favourite projects was building a scheduler. This project stood out for her because it embraced a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach, where the tests are written before the code. This method ensures that all code is covered by at least one test, leading to more robust software. Through this project, she honed her coding skills and learned new technologies like Storybook, Jest, and Cypress. Learning and working with these tools was both intense and rewarding, providing her with valuable hands-on experience in modern web development practices.

Lighthouse Labs web development students work in group projects, reflecting the real-world work environment of pair-programming and collective projects. As her final project, she worked with her team to build “Resumatic,” a tool that uses AI and a powerful tech stack to help users rapidly generate professional and appealing resumes.

The power of soft skills

Jaqueline also attributes her success in the Bootcamp to the variety of roles she had in the past, which taught her adaptability, problem-solving, and how to approach challenges from various perspectives.

“These skills have been invaluable in web dev, where thinking outside the box and quick learning are key.”

As she continues her journey, she believes these experiences will keep her grounded and innovative, allowing her to evolve with the industry and take on new challenges with confidence.

A door opened through funding

Jaqueline explains that learning about the funding initiative changed everything for her. In a moment when money was tight,

"It opened the door to new possibilities and showed me that with the right opportunities, I can achieve whatever I set my mind to.”

To the future

Jaqueline is looking forward to securing a role where she can apply and expand her skills. Long-term, she sees herself leading projects and mentoring newcomers to the field, something she is currently pursuing as mentor and project evaluator at Lighthouse Labs. Jaqueline truly embodies what we teach at Lighthouse Labs: life-long learners who are adaptable to change. As she puts it, she’s out to “make a meaningful impact in whatever I do.”

Advice for those curious

For those considering a career in tech, Jaqueline says it’s normal to feel scared and unsure. Embracing the challenge is key, and small steps add up to a long, successful journey, whether through online courses or in-person workshops. Most importantly, “Believe in yourself and your ability to learn and adapt.”

You can connect with Jaqueline on LinkedIn.

Read other recent graduates’ stories

Learn about Madiha’s journey from small business support to front-end engineer.

Discover how Nathan went from production manager to cyber security specialist.

This and other success stories were supported by the ICT Boost initiative, funded by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP).