Lighthouse Labs has been acquired by Uvaro! Learn more about our plans for workforce development in Canada.
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Neal is one of Lighthouse's TAs, and until recently wasn't a fan of bootcamps. However, in this blog he highlights why he thinks they're right for some people after all.
Course Report is a bootcamp review site and this blog is an excerpt of their interview with Lighthouse Labs.
In an effort to make its programs more accessible, Lighthouse Labs is now offering a scholarship to an SFU student with a demonstrated interest in web development.
Qaid Damji is a Co-Founder of Lighthouse Labs, in this post he talks about his experience with education and how the flipped classroom can improve it
Rahul Parmar is a Co-Founder of Lighthouse Labs and self-taught coder, in this blog post he walks us thorugh the trials and tribulations of learning to code.